Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bad Comedians, Terrible Food & Dumb Criminals... What A Great Week For Jerks!

Hidelly-Ho Readerinos!!!!

Another great week in the history books for this very peculiar country of ours. Yes, I said "peculiar" because that's the best way I can put it. Some would say that this country sucks but it doesn't. We just have to suffer some incredibly stupid inhabitants that want to make life for everyone else miserable. Fortunately, the idiots are not the majority (a fact I hope will be proven come election day in November)so, that's a plus. Nevertheless, jerks will be jerks. Lets see what some of them have been up to this week.

Fake Doogie Howser Strikes Again!
I know what you're thinking... "Awww... This mutha--!"  Yes, Malachi Love-Robinson or "Dr. Love" (SMFH) has been arrested once again, however, this time its for fraud and larceny.  The fake teen doctor was treating an elderly woman, Anita Morrison, for stomach pains. She claims that he cashed close to $3K in checks stolen from her home.  The amount went up to over $30,000 when she noticed that payment were being made from her checking account to pay for a car and credit cards that weren't hers. After his first arrests, Love-Robinson was happy to speak out. He was doing interviews and carrying on as if he was the victim. This time, that's not the case. After being released from jail on bond, the boy had nothing to say to reporters. Really? Now you have nothing to say? This 86 year old woman was suffering from extreme stomach pains that no one could diagnose and was eager to find help. She stated that she was in so much pain that she just went along with whatever the kid told her.  Even a fake doctor would have had enough compassion for an elderly woman to at least refer her to some kind of accredited specialist. You know... Someone who is actually licensed to practice medicine and specializes in treating gastrointestinal problems. But, no. Not only did he steal from the lady but, for her stomach problems, he gave her VITAMINS!!! After being released, the court ordered a mental health evaluation. They should've ordered one the last time he was arrested because its pretty obvious that the kid is a complete quackjob. He says that he's never claimed to be a "M.D." but told an undercover cop during her "exam" that he was a "doctor of homeopathic medicine".  To stick so close to such a cockamamie (Oh, yes... I used that word) phony doctor story one would definitely have to be a few pills short of a medicine cabinet (Every pun intended). I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this develops.  Hopefully he stops being a jerk and gets it together.

Katt Williams VS The World

This has been a crazy week for comedian Katt Williams who was arrested and charged with battery in Georgia for punching a store employee in the face.  According to Williams, the punch came after the employee had the nerve to drop the N-word on the last day of Black History Month. Katt also states that the employee thought he was trying to rob the store and when he pulled out $1500 in cash to prove that he wanted to pay for his items, that's when the employee took and pocketed the money. Everything pretty much went downhill from there. The next day, Williams was accused of attacking and robbing a group of women with his entourage. According to the party of five, they were in Atlanta just visiting when Katt Williams and 15 members of his entourage robbed them at gunpoint of their cell phones while flashing gang signs. Now... This sounds absolutely bogus. First of, it doesn't sound like anything Katt Williams would do (Not that I know him personally but he just doesn't seem like the type). Most people who roll with large posses usually don't have to rob anyone. Why would someone who's broke and need to rob people have an entourage to begin with? Never thought about that one, huh? Secondly, robbed them of their phones while flashing gang signs? REALLY? I call super BS on that one. Unless he was incredibly drunk/high, I doubt that he would flash gang signs much less flash gang signs while robbing people. Unfortunately, things are only getting worse. This past Tuesday, Katt was arrested after he allegedly (God... I love that word) threatened to kill his bodyguard. Police also raided his home and found firearms along with a large amount of pot (Really? You don't say!).  He was released on bond and cannot possess any drugs, alcohol or firearms and surrender his passport.  His girlfriend, Hazel-E (Love & Hip-Hop: Hollywood), was there for the raid and told TMZ once she arrived from GA to LAX that the couple is now "on a break" due to the raid.  She also stated that Katt is very "angry" and she "hopes he gets help".  It does seems that the comedian has been very tightly wound lately.  He's even gone so far as to attack Kevin Hart for being a "puppet" and Chris Rock.  I would think that attacking your fellow Black man and comedian would play right into the "puppeteer's" hands, would it not?  You can't help what you feel or what your opinions are and Katt Williams is more than entitled to his (Even if some don't agree and I do not).  Although he did apologize sort of, he still acted like a jerk. Fortunately, we still have SNL and Jay Pharoah who absolutely MURDERED The Weekend Update last Saturday night when it came to the Katt Vs. Kevin feud. If you missed it, you can watch it here:

Jay Pharoah is incredible. I really hope he's not a "puppet" too...

Department of Agriculture Recalls Plastic NuggetsI personally don't really do fast food like I did when I was in high school. However, it is hard for me to turn down a chicken McNugget. Some fast food places have "nuggets" but McDonald's is the only carrier of the amazingly delicious chicken "McNugget". That crispy golden brown shell encasing some kind of meat they refer to as "chicken" is quite tasty and I could talk about it forever but, unfortunately, we have a very big problem.  Some of us cannot always have the amazing goodness of actual McNuggets so, we go to the supermarket and buy the frozen chicken nuggets you can make at home. Not the same but still kind of ok, right? Not anymore.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recalled 4500 pounds of "chicken nugget products" as they may be contaminated with "extraneous plastic materials". The products in question are Applegate Naturals chicken nuggets produced for Applegate Farms by Purdue Foods.  That's just crazy. I've tasted plastic in various versions of chicken nuggets for years and its never bothered me. But, apparently, this is a big deal.  The affected Applegate Naturals chicken nuggets are the 8 ounce 18 piece boxes withe the Best Before date of 9/27/16 and have the establishment number "P-2617" inside the USDA mark of inspection (I guess they missed the plastic).  Purdue learned of the contamination when they started receiving complaints regarding small pieces of solid clear plastic in the nuggets.  Very scary.  There have been no injuries or anything like that related to the nuggets as of yet which is a good thing. But, if you're a fan of these nuggets, please be careful (especially if serving to children).  The affected nuggets were sent to retail distribution centers in Massachusetts (Mom... Tell your friends), NY (I'm already on the lookout), Texas, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Indiana. These are the ULTIMATE JERKS for ruining nuggets and hopefully the word gets out so no one gets sick.

Trump Victory = MASS EXODUS
The state primaries are in full swing officially starting with Super Tuesday. It was a day that had many surprises but none bigger than the one that Google received. On Super Tuesday, after Donald Trump had massive victories on the Republican side, the Google search for "How to move to Canada" jumped by 350%.  Can you guess where the majority of these searches came from?  Only the states with the smartest inhabitants in the land, my Massachusetts. I'm right along with them. It is highly... Let me be clear... HIGHLY unlikely that Trump will be our next president. However, if Americans are stupid enough to elect him, I will be joining my fellow Massholes in the move to our neighbor to the north.  Hopefully it won't come to that. But, come November, if things don't go well it's Montreal for me!

OK... That's it, folks. Please... Please... PLEASE share, comment, re-read and comment some more. Any positive feedback is appreciated and I hope you've been enjoying my posts so far.  I'm going to try to get a schedule down so I have have these blogs done on a certain day every week and, once I do, you'll obviously be the first to know. Talk to you soon!!!


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Black History Month 2016: A Review

This post is dedicated to my mother. HI MA!!!

Hello All!

February is over and what a Black History Month it was. Not only was it about the history but it was also about us making history and having our voices heard. 2016 is shaping up to be a big year and has already been a historic one with much more to come. But now, lets go over some of the things that went down in recent weeks that had an impact on Black America and its future.

The White House Celebrates Black History Month
President Obama held a reception in honor of Black History Month where he touched upon several issues including the fight for racial equality. In attendance was a photographer from The Washington Post who shot this breathtaking photo of a 3 year old boy meeting the POTUS himself.  This photo really resonates with me. In that little boy's eyes you can see the hopes, dreams and potential of an entire race.  I see how far we've come as a nation and a people.  This United States has gone from a country that didn't even see Black people as human to a country that is LED by a Black man. American society is far from perfect. But if you really think about it, we've really come a very long way.

Race & The 2016 Election
The election has been heating up as of late on the racial front with the Black Lives Matter movement and the KKK both joining the mix.  At a private fundraising event in South Carolina, a couple of Black Lives Matter activists interrupted Hillary Clinton's speech to confront her on her views toward racial justice during her husband's administration back in 1996.  She also asked her to apologize to Black people for the mass incarcerations of the 90s (brought on by Bill Clinton's three strike laws and his elimination of rehabilitation programs for drug addicted criminals) and for referring to the at risk youth of the time as "Super Predators". The other activist shot the whole ordeal before being escorted out by the Secret Service. You can see it all here:
Pretty strong move by these young activists who paid $500 each to attend the event. Although I don't quite agree with their approach, I do understand their need for clarity. Hillary's campaign makes her look like a lifelong civil rights activist when, during Bill's administration, she had a much more stern opinion on racial justice (basically "Lock 'em up now and ask questions later). It appears as though she plays which ever card she has to when it comes to race depending on the situation. If you remember, she took a different stance during her campaign in '08 against Obama. 1996, 2008 and the present are all different times with race relations in completely different situations. That makes it understandable how ones viewpoints can change. However, its causing some to wonder which Hilary with which different state of mind is running prompting the hashtag #whichhillary.  I, personally, really like Hillary Clinton and understand the changes she's made. Should she win the primary (which it looks like she will) she's got my vote because out of all of the candidates I believe that she's the most experienced, prepared and has the mental toughness to do what's right and lead the free world in the right direction.

Now, on the other side, there's The Donald...

Donald Trump's presidential campaign has been surrounded by controversy since it began but things are at an all time high right now. He's received many endorsements but the one that's making the most noise is the endorsement he received from former KKK grand wizard, David Duke (I'm sorry but "grand wizard"? These backwood inbred hicks are laughable. I can't even be mad at the KKK because they are such an ignorant and backwards group that its really quite sad. All one can do is pray for people like that). Sh*t really hit the fan when Trump failed to immediately disavow the endorsement. First, when asked about it on the "Today" show (after going through a smooth interview with no complications) he avoided answering the question. His reason: A "bad earpiece". The WHOLE INTERVIEW was fine. But, once confronted with questions about the David Duke endorsement, the earpiece has now gone "bad".  I'm so sorry but I call SUPREME BS on that. On "State Of The Union" Trump stated that she has already disavowed Duke the week before. He also stated that he didn't know anything about David Duke. Well, that's a lie. Trump was thinking about running for president back in 2000 under the Reform Party which included David Duke. At that time he stated that that wasn't the company he wanted to keep. But, now he doesn't know who he is or anything about the KKK. How convenient.

Everything that Donald Trump does reeks of shady behavior. He's anti immigrants but he's married to one. Along with this, a lot of the work done physically building Trump Tower was done by illegal and undocumented Polish immigrants. Plus, with his racial views currently being under fire, him having dozens of black students removed from a rally in Georgia doesn't help. There was no reason to even have them removed. The students were silent.  However, they were wearing all black clothing.


Today is Super Tuesday meaning that 12 states will hold primaries today. I pray... I PRAY that the American people come to their senses soon. But, most of those 12 states are southern so, who knows what's going to happen.

Chris Rock Takes On #OscarsSoWhite
This year's annual Academy Awards ceremony was definitely a hot topic. A few months ago when the nominees were announced and not one Black actor was nominated the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite popped up and the Black community vowed to boycott the Oscars in protest in spite of the fact that it was being hosted by a Black man and there were also Black nominees in other non-acting categories. Spike Lee was very upset about the nominations (which makes sense because he seems to believe that he deserves a nomination for everything) along with Jada and Will Smith who believe he should have been nominated for his role in the movie "Concussion".  I'm not saying that Will Smith is not an amazing actor because he is. However, its my opinion that he deserved the Oscar nod (and should've won) more for his work in the film "Ali" than he does for "Concussion".  Just my opinion. But Will Smith does deserve an Oscar and should've won one years ago.  But, I digress...  The boycott worked and the Oscars had the lowest ratings in 8 years.  Although I had no plans to watch the Oscars (except for Chris Rock's opening monologue because I love him and think he's hysterical), I didn't agree or support the protest. I know... "Where's my loyalty?"  Well, I'll tell you. There have been plenty of years when not one Black actor was nominated so, who cares? Have you ever considered the fact that maybe no Black actors deserved a nomination this year? I'm not saying that that's the case but it should be considered. There have been years that people were nominated and won who didn't deserve it. These things do happen. Also, when did it become a requirement for there to be Black Oscar nominees?  Honestly, I think these type of protests make us look bad. Like whiny babies with a huge sense of entitlement. Yes, the "Powers that be" have kept Black people down in this country for centuries. However, we have Black Oscar winners because they earned and deserved it. There's a quote (I don't know who said it)that I live by: "Be so good at what you do that you can't be ignored.".  Whoopi won the Oscar because when you watched the movie "Ghost" you believed that she was a phony psychic with a heart of gold. Denzel won the Oscar because for 2 hours you believed that he was a crooked cop. Jamie Foxx won the Oscar because I thought I really was watching the REAL Ray Charles. That is how good they were.

I think whoever had the idea to make Chris Rock the host thought that White Hollywood would get away that night unscathed. Totally not the case. Not only the Chris attack the issue head on but he spread it out for the ENTIRE EVENING holding no punches. No only was he funny (that's a given) by he was philosophical, blunt, made people feel/look stupid and put everyone in their place. You can catch Chris Rock's opening monologue here:

That's right, Chris... Rip 'em a new one. The big WTF moment of the night was Stacey Dash. First of all, why in the hell was she even there??? Apparently, she was there to add diversity and also to serve as a Chris Rock punchline. Unfortunately, the mostly White audience didn't get it.  The actress turned Fox News commentator and, as Chris Rock announced her, "Director of Minority Outreach" came out and wished the audience a "Happy Black History Month". No big deal, right? It was funny because Stacey has openly spoken against #OscarsSoWhite, the BET Awards and Black History Month. She believes that because we are all equal, we shouldn't have our own month, award show or even network.  I agree with the "We're all equal" part but, no BET?  That would suck on epic levels.  Anyway, back to Stacey at the Oscars, Black people were outraged. White people, once again, didn't care. We as Black Americans take way too many things too seriously and give weight/value to things that are meaningless. Like Chris Rock said in his monologue, Black people didn't protest the Oscars in the 1960s because there were a lot more important things to protest. This fact remains the same today. With all of the messed up injustices that occur across the globe on a daily basis, you really want to get riled up over the Oscars??? Seriously... Get a life.

I've got to mention the one thing that I LOVED about the Oscars... My main man Leo DiCaprio finally won his Oscar.

Always a bridesmaid... Never a bride? Not this year. Leo finally got the award of all awards and its about damn time.  His first nomination was 22 YEARS AGO for "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and, dammit, he should've won then! That was an injustice that should've been protested. But he earned it and he most definitely deserved it.

In closing, this has been a very eventful Black History Month. I'd like to send a special Rest In Peace to the very talented, gifted and unforgettable actor, Lou Myers.

 Yes, Mr. Gaines from "A Different World". That's probably his most memorable role but his small and big screen career spans decades. He will be missed.

Well, that's it. Please, read, share, comment, subscribe, comment some more, tell your friends/family/co-workers/someone. All feedback and love (or non love) is appreciated.

Until next time,


Friday, February 19, 2016



I don't even know where to start. Its been a week of love and tomfoolery. Politics and shenanigans. Overreactions and overdoses... 

But, we're only human, right (#onlyhumanbythehumanleagueismyfavoritesong)?  Things will happen.  It is what we do that defines who we are as humans. How do our reactions go? Let's see...

Trump won for the Republican side. This proves only one thing... People in NH are really REALLY stoned. Its not like there's anything else to do up there. If you don't have a maple/chocolate/beer making business, all you can do is ski. If you don't ski/snowboard/ski-doo, the only option after is to get high. New Hampshire offers some of the best weed on the eastern seaboard. Get into it.
Winning the primary DOES NOT guarantee winning the "Primary Primary" or the election, however, as I've said before it does give you a head start. Plus, Trump will never win the "Primary Primary".  I think the American people know the difference between what's good for the country and a turbo rich demagogue.  He will not win. That's my word.

Bernie Sanders won for the Democrat side. I (for one) have absolutely no problem with that. Not only is he ADORABLE but he's also the man. His views seem radical but that's what we need right now and I "Feel The Bern".

I'm still voting for Hilary.

In spite of the Sanders vs Clinton meme:
But, going back to Bernie Sanders, that was sexist but, moving on, he's hit a milestone already. He's the first Jew to ever win a Presidential Primary.  That's us coming a long way.  I've always been pro-racial equality and that is for every race.

DMX "Overdose"
 Rapper DMX was found unresponsive on the ground in a parking lot in Yonkers (a part of The Bronx)last Wednesday evening. His team said he had an asthma attack however TMZ says differently. They reported that he was given Narcan which is administered to prevent Heroin overdoses. I don't know what's going on with DMX but my prayers go out to him.  Its always a shame to see such talent go to waste.  Sure, he's getting up there in age but he has enough hits that he can do shows for the rest of his professional life. Not only is he a great MC but he's also a very gifted actor. I really hope that he gets through the slump he's in a returns to being the X we all know and love.

And Now... MORE SEQUELS!!!
I've been talking about sequels forever (just the past few weeks) and 2016 is the year for it. However, there are some things in the works that indicate that the future is bright on the regurgitated Hollywood front (I say that because nothing is original that comes from Hollywood. If they really wanted originality they'd read one of my screenplays but that's neither here nor there). First up, the announcement of Bad Boys 3. That's right! Will Smith and Marin Lawrence are back and ready to do what they do best: Be funny, blow up stuff and hopefully have another Will Smith slow motion running with his shirt open scene. There are also rumors of a Bad Boys 4 to follow but, I guess we'll have to see if that claim holds its validity. Also, break out the Roman numerals because Saw 8 is in the works. Jigsaw might have died in Saw 3 but his ideology obviously will continue to live on in what is to be known as "Saw: Legacy". Its stated to be a sequel and not a concluding chapter. What does this mean for the franchise? I'm not too sure but come 2017, I will be most excited to find out.
Speaking of sequels... I'm not sure if this counts but I'll mention anyway that Harry Potter part 8 will be published this summer.

"Harry Potter and The Cursed Child" deals with Harry who is all grown up and dealing with a magical son of his own.  July 31st will be a day that muggles everywhere will be rejoicing at their local Barnes & Nobles.
Plus: (This is not a sequel but its worthy of mentioning because I still can't believe its happening)The reboot of Cabin Fever is in theaters this week. The Eli Roth cult classic is reported to have the almost the same script yet different actors making it a pretty easy job. This reboot is reported to be pretty much the same movie but a million times better. I thoroughly enjoy the "Horror Porn" that Eli Roth provides along with the original Cabin Fever (and not just because it had Rider Strong who I LOVE) so, if they're saying that this film is better, I'm beyond down to check it out. You can see the trailer here:

Oh, yeah... I'm super excited right now.

Fake Doogie Howser Arrested For Posing as a Doctor (SMFH)
When I was in my late teens-early 20s, I knew quite a few hustlers. However, this kid, totally takes the cake.  Malachi Love-Robinson was arrested by West Palm Beach Police (that lasted almost two weeks)for practicing medicine without a license after an investigation that lasted almost two weeks. The 18 year old (who claimed to be 25 on his profile) claims that although there's a "Dr." in front of his name, he never claimed to be an "M.D.". That explanation wasn't worth a damn to police after an undercover officer went to the teen's "practice" where Love-Robinson proceeded to give him a physical, provided medical advice and offered to treat him. What makes this more unbelievable is that this isn't the first time he's been in hot water over this. He was served with a ceae-and-desist order in October after a tip came in that he was practicing medicine without a license. Now... After that, how he was able to start the New Birth New Life Medical Center (where he was arrested) is beyond me. If you claim that you never stated that you're a medical doctor, why in the Sam Hill are you a "Doctor" that's the head of a medical center, performing physicals and giving MEDICAL advice??? You can see the website for the "medical center" here:
That link is to the "Staff" page. I wanted you to see that page in particular (You can check out the rest of the site which is bootleg, tragic and just plain BS) because I wanted you to see a photo of "Dr." Malachi Love-Robinson "PhD, HHP-C, AMP-C".
DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A 25 YEAR OLD DOCTOR TO YOU?!?!?!?!? Please. If you don't practice medicine, why in the hell do you have a stethoscope around your neck?  The "HHP-C" title is given to those who practices home health/personal care (key word being "HEALTH").  "AMP-C" isn't even a medical title (unless he's an active metallic photonic crystal or a class C betalactamse)!   The "staff" also has two other members with descriptions that sound just as shady as the kid's (aside from making no sense and having misspelled words galore).  One thing I will say is that this kid is probably one of the most inventive, original and straight up ballsy criminals I've seen so far this year. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how things play out.

Well... That's it. I hate closing on a sad note but I have to say a big Rest In Peace to my girl (in my head) Big Ang.

Seriously... Who doesn't love Big Ang?

She was truly the best thing to ever hit reality TV and the best thing to come out of Staten Island since Wu-Tang. Angela "Big Ang" Raiola lost her battle with cancer early yesterday morning at the age of 55.  I love all of the Mob Wives but she was definitely my favorite out of the cast.  Her speech was uncensored, she was fun loving and a peace-maker. The world won't be the same without her and my prayers go out to her family and friend. Hopefully, the rest of the Mob Wives crew acts right towards each other because life is too short to be fighting over little nonsense.

That's all for this week, kids. Please share, comment, read, comment some more and then share again. Talk to you in a few days.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Sorry (Since I've Been Gone): TOP 5


OK... So, I've been gone for a minute. I traveled out of town and promised myself that while I was gone I would post. Obviously, I didn't. Its been sometime since I last wrote and I didn't exactly know how to approach this as a lot has happened. So, I decided to talk about what I believe to be the top five things that have happened in the world since my last post. You might not agree with some of my choices as I try to stay away from tragedies here. The world is full of tragedy. It happens everyday and the world/news/daily life is full of it. It is for this reason that I try to keep this area as fun and drama free as possible (Until, of course, I change my mind then all bets are off). Now... Let's begin!

#5:  Rihanna's "ANTI" Goes Platinum Without Going "Platinum"
Apparently, you can go platinum without going platinum. On January 27, the Pop goddess tweeted to fans that they could download the new album for free via Jay-Z's music streaming service, Tidal. There is a long history behind this that I will not get into. However, in a nutshell, the Jigga Man brokered a $25 million dollar deal with Samsung to sponsor Rihanna's album and tour.  Rihanna is the prized star artist on Jay-Z's RocNation label and this is the first album she has released under it.  One could only surmise that he would want her album to go platinum as soon as possible. But, does giving the album away to a million different residents constitute as reaching platinum status? Apparently so because someone had to pay for those copies. This is where things are getting foggy.  Some say that the money to buy those copies came from Samsung's $25M deal while others speculate an unclaimed source. It's all a very confusing situation. Especially since shortly before the album was released on Tidal, it was briefly leaked on the same site. The leak caused everyone to scramble and release the album with the giveaway ahead of schedule although the giveaway was a part of the plan from the beginning. Some speculate that the "leak" was also a part of the plan although both Tidal and Universal Music Group deny it and describe the incident as an "error". Either way, it is what it is. The RIAA has announced the album's platinum status and there's nothing that can be done about it. I have no complaints because I love Rihanna and [Samsung or no Samsung]the album was going to go platinum regardless. What worries me is that, if all of this is true, it means that anyone with the capital can potentially go platinum. What's worse is that they can go platinum with no one even liking the artist or their music. That's scary. But the RIAA states that platinum status is awarded to artists who meet rigorous standards to join the ranks of iconic recording artists. They also stated that with the new digital age of music, the music industry's trade organization will update its policies to award certification upon release date as opposed to waiting 30 days which is what they did during the days of physical release (Remember those things... They were round... Ah, yes. CDs!).  This comforts me as not many artists can be called "iconic" but what about the music itself. Many great and even "iconic" artists have put out albums that suck. So, what does this mean for the future of music? Also, what does this mean for the value of platinum status that was once so coveted? I guess only time will tell.

#4:  Blake Griffin Decks Assistant Equipment Manager
On January 23rd, Los Angeles Clippers' power forward Blake Griffin broke his shooting hand punching Clippers assistant equipment manager, Matias Testi, in the face. Apparently they were at a restaurant in Toronto when an argument between the two started resulting in Blake giving the man a black eye.

The two had been good friends for years below the incident and no one has spoken on how the fight was started or what it was about. The guy must have said something really bad, as far as I'm concerned. Blake Griffin has a public persona of being mild-mannered, charismatic and funny. An all around chill kind of guy. Yes, there was in the incident in Las Vegas in 2014 where he supposedly slapped a guy and took his cell phone at a strip club. That makes sense. Maybe he doesn't wants photos of himself at the nudie bar plastered all over TMZ.  But Testi must have said something awful to, first, get punched in the face and, second, get punched in the face so hard that the man breaks his hand. That's serious.  The NBA is currently investigating the matter but it looks like he'll be suspended for a couple of games. Griffin is also recovering from a torn quadricep which has kept him off the court since December and was expected to return soon. Add the broken hand and now it looks like we won't see him again until March! Seriously... Its terrible. My FanDuel has suffered immensely during his absence.  This is just a crappy situation that has blemished the Blake Griffin brand and the LA Clippers but its affects won't be lasting. People are going to forget about this faster than the Ebola outbreak (Yeah... Remember that?). These are real people and sometimes real stuff happens. Its life. People get punched in the face. What's one to do?

#3:  Zika FEVER!!!
You've heard of Swine Flu, Avian Flu and SARS. Well, this new craze is going to make all of those look like Mad Cow! Lets hear it for ZIKA! The new sickness who's fear is sweeping the nation!!! Seriously, though... There's a new hit disease on the block. I've always found it amazing how these diseases can exist for YEARS but once it affects Americans in the most minor "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon" kind of way it becomes an extinction level epidemic but... I digress...  The Zika Virus, named after the Zika Forest in Uganda, was once just isolated to that area before moving across Africa. It eventually moved towards Easter Island and has now found its way to Central and South America along with the Caribbean.  The virus is spread mainly by mosquitoes, however, an infected person can infect another via unprotected sex. Are you terrified yet? Here's the really scary part... Are you ready? This virus has yet to kill anyone. EVER! In fact, the symptoms of Zika fever are so mild that treatment consists of rest, fluid and Aspirin. That's right. Move over, OxyCotin. Aspirin is about to get really cool. I think what's got people going crazy is possible affects of the virus on infants. Unborn babies, to be more exact. Scientists have discovered that Zika fever can spread from pregnant mother to unborn child resulting in Microcephaly, a disorder/deformity causing infants to be born with abnormally small heads with poor brain function and a decreased life expectancy. Its because of this possibility that countries across the globe have issued travel warnings for pregnant women or have just flat out suggested that they not get pregnant period until there is a better understanding of the virus and how it affects an unborn fetus. A bunch of babies born with physical defects is definitely not cool. But what I find to be extremely not cool is how once everything dies down on one medical front, the media infects the public with the fear of another "threatening infectious disease". I feel like the media does this to distract the public from the real things that are going on in our society that greatly effect us.  These things that they are trying to distract us from are usually matters that would outrage any normal person and would make them want to take a stand. Unfortunately, Americans are so stupid, they usually don't realize when they're getting the proverbial "Okie-Doke". Makes me sad for future generations but, moving on...

#2: The Iowa Caucus & New Hampshire Primary
After the Iowa caucus last week, the first stop on the presidential primary slaughter tour will be New Hampshire where a political bloodbath is sure to ensue... And boy, are we excited! It will be first primary and is very important because it allows the candidates to appeal to a broader audience. Also, undeclared voters can go either republican or democrat or whichever way they'd like. The NH primary also gives momentum to the campaigns of those who do well.  This doesn't mean an automatic win of the general election but it does give a head start and a much needed boost.
Who's ready for a dinner show? Get ready because the "song and dance" that's about to be shelled out by these candidates will make The Rockettes look like a really bad rhythmless kindergarten recital. And with all of the mudslinging that already started with Bill Clinton calling Bernie Sanders' campaign "sexist" and the Trump/Rubio drama things are really about to heat up. I could rant on politics forever so, I'm just going to stop here before I go off and save my energy for the number one spot.

#1: Super Bowl 50 = THE WORST SUPER BOWL EVER!!!! (except the halftime show)
Last night was the second most disappointing Super Bowl EVER (first was when The Patriots met the NY Giants the second time... Don't get me started) and I am beyond pissed for a few reasons. First, that was Peyton Manning's last Super Bowl. He hasn't announced that he's retiring but we all know he is, he knows he is and he knows its time to hang it up.  I had a feeling that "The powers that be" would give this Super Bowl to Peyton simply because they know its his last and that exactly what they did. That's right, folks... I believe the game was rigged. I don't know who or how but you can tell that Cam Newton wasn't in on it because of how apparent his confusion was. His team wasn't performing on the level that they normally do and his frustration was on levels that fan had never seen. After the game, things didn't get much better.
That is Cam Newton at the postgame press conference. He was quiet, gave one word answers and, ultimately, walked out on the conference. Instead of seeing how devastated he was, all the media can do is talk about how he didn't handle his loss with grace and how he's a big superficial baby. Every quarterback in the history of the Super Bowl that has lost, leaves the field looking just as (if not more) angry as Cam did. However, they're not getting the same scrutiny as Cam is. Why? Is it because he's a young Black man? Is it because they figure that a QB who can dish out as many celebratory dances in the end zones after touchdowns can't take his first and only loss of the season? It could be either or. But people need to understand that when you have an undefeated season just to lose at the Super Bowl is beyond brutal (Just ask Tom Brady... DAMN THOSE GIANTS!!!) so you can't attack the man for being upset. Second, where was the Panthers' offensive line? Why wasn't anyone protecting Cam???? I've never seen a QB on such a high caliber team get sacked like that. No one is making catches, fumbles happening all over the place and a missed field goal by Gano (A kick I've seen him make a million times) because of "the wind"??? Absolutely terrible.  Speaking of "terrible"...  Then, there was the defensive line. Garbage. So many open lanes and passes. It would've made more sense it they would just move out of the way and let the Broncos wide receivers just catch the ball.  Thirdly, the commercials... They sucked. Except for the movie trailers, the commercials for the most part were dumb. I really look forward to super bowl commercials but this year was a real let down. It was a disappointing night. The Panthers lost, I didn't get to see Cam dab and it was just a total disappointment. I just hope that they come back next season with more fire than they've ever had in their lives. It would also be great if it was Panthers vs Patriots. That would be amazing. There was one good part of the night and, unless you're deaf or living under a rock, you'll agree. It was the halftime show.

Coldplay+Beyonce+Bruno Mars=AMAZEBALLZ!!!!! Bruno was especially incredible with his swag set to 100 (pronounced "one hunit")and transcending to a level of funk that I have never seen. Absolutely amazing. Beyonce debuted a live performance of her new hit, "Formation", that had ladies everywhere proclaiming that they had hot sauce in their bags. Coldplay was their usual mellow out, feel good, super-positive-but-we're-not-pussies selves. Together they lit up the stage to provide a performance that has gone down in history as one of my top ten fav Super bowl performances. Also, if you were born in the 80s and was wondering if Beyonce's ensemble looked familiar, you most definitely should've.
That's what I call paying homage.

Well, that's all folk! Once again, I apologize for the delay and will try to make sure it doesn't happen again. However, I travel somewhat often so expect some delays sometimes if my new post isn't up by Sunday. This is going to be an interesting week and I'm looking forward to going over all of it again in a few days. Please read, share, comment, IM, tweet, carrier pigeon, the works.


Sunday, January 17, 2016

#2 (1/10-1/15)

Hello All...

What a week it has been. People doing stupid things, saying stupid things and wearing stupid things. But... All of that is ok. It's ok because that's the way things have been since the beginning of mankind. Humans are stupid. We just are. There are a few that may possess a "high intellect" or may process information at a "genius level" but they are all still... Very... Stupid. The smartest people on Earth do some of the dumbest things at that is absolutely fine because it proves that they're human and not time-traveling cyborgs hell bent on killing Sarah Connor (But the terminators did stupid things too so, lets move on).

What's happening in this great country of ours? Well...

Last Sunday border patrol officers in Pharr, Texas found close to 2500 pounds of marijuana in a commercial shipment of carrots from Mexico. Three thousand bundles of pot were wrapped tightly in orange tape to resemble actual carrots.

How crazy is that??? Of course, the nearly $500k worth of Mexican grass was seized but I think the smugglers should've received a pass on account of their insane creativity. Those guys have cojones grande, too. Unfortunately, large balls and massive creativity aren't worth much if you don't have common sense. A small amount of good weed has a very distinct odor. I can only assume that 2500 pounds of it is going to straight reek. And, indeed, it was the smell that first tipped off officials. Thanks to their carelessness, a lot of hard working American potheads will not be able to enjoy premium Mexican grass. Better luck next time.

Powerball madness swept the nation this week with bodegas and lotto spots from coast to coast flooded with eager gamblers hoping to become gajillionaires. The first drawing on Sunday had no winners causing the jackpot to rise to $1.5 BILLION freakin' dollars, the largest lottery prize in history. Wednesday's second drawing produced three winners who will be splitting the jackpot three ways. If I had a winning ticket, I wouldn't mind splitting the prize with 30 people or even 300. One hundereth of $1.5 billion dollars would be greatly appreciated by me at this present moment.

Thursday night's Republican debate was one for the ages with Donald "The Don" Trump having his first fight with Senator Ted Cruz. The bout led to Cruz taking jabs and throwing some serious shade at Trump regarding his "New York values". When a politician (or any public figure for that matter) attacks NYC, the city will respond back. That's exactly what the New York Daily News did on Friday's cover page:

Yes... That is the Statue of Liberty flipping the bloody bird.  I'm a Bostonian that's been living in NYC for almost a decade now. Even I know that you can't talk crap about New York [in public]. I understand that he's trying to get the votes in Iowa and New Hampshire but the New York shots weren't necessary. Now you've got an enemy with a comb over.

Anyone who knows me knows that Quentin Tarantino is my cinematic/writing father. So, of course, I'm wondering why his latest film ('The Hateful Eight") is bombing at the box office. Apparently, according to The Police Benevolent Association, they are the ones responsible. Tarantino expressed the fact that he doesn't approve of police misconduct when he took part in an anti-police brutality march in October. Its because of his participation that the police have labeled him a "cop-hater" and proceeded to demonstrate their mutual feelings of disdain with a boycott. That is not cool. I'm not sure if the PBA was paying attention in 2015 but police across the country were beyond brutal. From racial profiling to just straight shooting people, it was not a good year for the police and the public's relations. This is how they react when someone is fed up with the brutal behavior of police of the past year? Just call them a "cop-hater"? I, personally, don't have an issue with the police. I do (however) have a serious problem with racist and socially inept people who hide behind their badges thinking that their jobs will shield them from having to take responsibility for their actions. There wasn't just one isolated incident. There were several incidents happening all over the United States which triggered public outrage and protests in a few major cities. That doesn't mean you attack one man and his art because he stood up for what he believes is right. It means that you do a thorough investigation, find the root of the problem, correct it and take heavy measures to make sure it doesn't happen again. Period.

This past week J.J. Abrams revealed the teaser trailer for "10 Cloverfield Lane" which is not exactly a sequel but what the director is calling a "blood relative". You can watch the trailer here:

I know... I CAN'T WAIT EITHER!!!!! It's taken forever but I'm glad a follow up is coming soon. One would think Abrams would be relaxing after his mega hit Star Wars took over the world but, obviously, that's not his style.

It will soon be that time of year again. Next month will the the annual NBA All-Star weekend. This year is taking place in Toronto complete with the All-Star Celebrity game. So, they'll need some celebrities to coach the teams. Who better than the "tallest man on the court" Kevin Hart and b-ball enthusiast Drake to take on the roles. It should definitely be a hilarious event so get ready because February 12th at the Ricoh Coliseum it's going down.

I said this last week and, unfortunately, I'm saying it again this week. RIP to Alan Rickman.

Those from the younger generation know him mostly as Snape from the Harry Potter films. I will remember him as the disgruntled alien actor Alexander from "Galaxy Quest" and super villan Hans Gruber from the original "Die Hard" (For those who don't know "Die Hard" was a movie staring Bruce Willis and has several sequels. It came out in 1988. YES... 1988). He was truly gifted and could literally play any role. He will be missed. Both him and David Bowie (who also passed RIP) were actually referenced in the same clip from "The Simpsons" as found by You can watch the clip here:

Bittersweet indeed.

Well... That's post number 2. I know I said I would be posting on Fridays but, you know what? Life happens. But I will try to have them done on Fridays. Thank you so much for reading, feel free to leave me some comments and we'll talk soon.


Monday, January 11, 2016



Its been a while since I've been writing in public but I'm very happy to be writing my first post on my new blog (YAY!). To tell you a bit about me, I'm a Bostonian that has been a writer since I was 8 years old. Teachers would assign me book reports and I would turn in college level essays. I moved to NYC 9 years ago to pursue dreams of being a screenwriter. Unfortunately, being a starving artist isn't as romantic as portrayed in the movies so I had to make my mark in the Real Estate and Automotive industries. But, I kept writing. After reading some of my work, one critic (my mother) told me "You've been pushing the envelope since you were a child. Why don't you just stick to what you were born to do?".  One could only surmise just from that statement alone that I'm a born writer.  That person surmising would be absolutely correct. Mix that fact with a spoonful of tenacity, a cup of intelligence, two tablespoons of quick wit, a dash of love for a good laugh... Bring to a boil and serve while hot-- This is a recipe for AWESOMENESS. This is what I hope to deliver to you on a weekly basis. I'll be commenting on the week's top political and entertainment news. As a citizen of this country (The U S of A), I feel that we all have a voice and should express our opinions. Good or bad. Pretty or ugly. Dirty or grimy. I'm hear to speak my mind and share my thoughts. Thank you so much for taking some time out of your day to chill with me. Now... Let's get started.

This presidential race has been an ugly one particularly on the Republican side. The only thing happening with the democrats is what's up with Hillary's emails (who cares) and is Bernie going to continue to be the indie raging bull he has been. Seriously... Who cares about Hillary's emails. They say it goes to her credibility. I'll tell you this... If you watch any big, scary alien attack movie and some officials say "Let's not tell the American people what's going on because they'll freak out" that's because its true. We will freak out. That's what happened with Benghazi and that's what's happening now. Americans don't need to know what's going on because Americans are stupid (Shut up, they are) and will fly off the handle with the fuel fired media and run amuck. No one needs that. This is for your own good so, to speak plainly, fall back.

Then there is Ben Carson. Usually, if there's a Black guy running for politics we, as African Americans, are usually all behind him. After all his shenanigans, I'm voting for the White guy (or most likely WOMAN).

And now onto "The Don" Donald Trump. His hair isn't real, BTW.  He's talking about Ted Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Mexicans... When will everyone realize that this is all for publicity and to shift your focus from what's really important. And, when I say what's really important, I mean EVERYTHING ELSE!  How do you (the media) devote days (even weeks) to debunking or invalidating Trump's accusations. This is the same man who said Putin is a good guy. Am I taking crazy pills?!? Is anyone but me seeing how ass-backwards this is?!? Trump is good for ratings and definitely for laughs. I mean... That comb-over is not his real hair. Its not. But, I will tell you this, Donald Trump will not make the Republican Primary. If he does...



And, that's all I have to say about that.

Moving on...

There were a few amazing developments in the entertainment world last week. Star Wars: The Force Awakens has beaten Avatar as the biggest movie of all time. This is, of course, until James Cameron drops Avatar 2 next year. This will be the second Avatar movie in what is rumored to be a four film series. We'll see how this battle plays out with 2 more Star Wars episodes written and ready to go in the coming years. I've got popcorn ready.

Adam Sandler's Netflix comedy "The Ridiculous Six" has had the most streams in 30 days of release in Netflix history since premiering just last month. Most were definitely not expecting this kind of response with all of the negative reviews the movie had received. However, the crew over at Happy Madison is definitely getting the last laugh. "The Ridiculous Six" is the first of four original movies coming to Netflix from Sandler after signing a huge deal with the streaming company last year. "The Ridiculous Six", a spoof of the Western "The Magnificent Seven", is absolutely hysterical. And, if that's not enough, it has a side-splitting star-studded cast including the usually ridiculously hot Taylor Lautner as a buck-toothed halfwit. Absolutely spectacular (in my opinion) and definitely a must see if you're in the mood to laugh your ass off.

The fashion house of Louis Vuitton has released a short film showcasing its 2016 Spring/Summer campaign entitled "The Heroine"in which a group of girls model the house's best pret-a-porter. The short also stars Jaden Smith who is also modeling LV women's wear.

Apparently, this has people in an uproar. Why? I'm not necessarily sure. One person I spoke to said that it was because Jaden is modeling women's clothes. What kind of close-minded nonsense is that? It is 2016. People can love who ever they want. People can pretty much do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. I'm assuming that includes them wearing whatever they want, as well. When I was in high school, I hung out with  lot of punk rock kids. One of those kids wore a kilt. He was not considered effeminate. He was actually pretty bad ass. Years later, Kanye and Lil' Wayne also wore skirts. They were bad ass too. However, its my opinion that Kanye and Lil' Wayne received more scrutiny because they're members of the Hip Hop community which has always held their men to a high standard of "Machismo".  I'm glad that we as a society are moving (slowly but surely) into a direction of acceptance for all but we all need to get with the program. There are so many bigger issues to be concerned with than who is wearing what. If someone (man or woman) wants to bedizen themselves in some grand "Hunger Games" style, who cares??? If they are not hurting anyone, I say, go for it.

I hate to close on a sad note but I can't complete this post without saying rest in peace to the legendary creative genius, David Bowie. My prayers go out to his family and equally legendary wife, Iman.

Today is Monday, January 11th. Just an FYI, I will be posting on Fridays. This was an off week so, sorry about that. But, I appreciate the love and any comments you may have and we'll talk again in a few days!