Friday, February 19, 2016



I don't even know where to start. Its been a week of love and tomfoolery. Politics and shenanigans. Overreactions and overdoses... 

But, we're only human, right (#onlyhumanbythehumanleagueismyfavoritesong)?  Things will happen.  It is what we do that defines who we are as humans. How do our reactions go? Let's see...

Trump won for the Republican side. This proves only one thing... People in NH are really REALLY stoned. Its not like there's anything else to do up there. If you don't have a maple/chocolate/beer making business, all you can do is ski. If you don't ski/snowboard/ski-doo, the only option after is to get high. New Hampshire offers some of the best weed on the eastern seaboard. Get into it.
Winning the primary DOES NOT guarantee winning the "Primary Primary" or the election, however, as I've said before it does give you a head start. Plus, Trump will never win the "Primary Primary".  I think the American people know the difference between what's good for the country and a turbo rich demagogue.  He will not win. That's my word.

Bernie Sanders won for the Democrat side. I (for one) have absolutely no problem with that. Not only is he ADORABLE but he's also the man. His views seem radical but that's what we need right now and I "Feel The Bern".

I'm still voting for Hilary.

In spite of the Sanders vs Clinton meme:
But, going back to Bernie Sanders, that was sexist but, moving on, he's hit a milestone already. He's the first Jew to ever win a Presidential Primary.  That's us coming a long way.  I've always been pro-racial equality and that is for every race.

DMX "Overdose"
 Rapper DMX was found unresponsive on the ground in a parking lot in Yonkers (a part of The Bronx)last Wednesday evening. His team said he had an asthma attack however TMZ says differently. They reported that he was given Narcan which is administered to prevent Heroin overdoses. I don't know what's going on with DMX but my prayers go out to him.  Its always a shame to see such talent go to waste.  Sure, he's getting up there in age but he has enough hits that he can do shows for the rest of his professional life. Not only is he a great MC but he's also a very gifted actor. I really hope that he gets through the slump he's in a returns to being the X we all know and love.

And Now... MORE SEQUELS!!!
I've been talking about sequels forever (just the past few weeks) and 2016 is the year for it. However, there are some things in the works that indicate that the future is bright on the regurgitated Hollywood front (I say that because nothing is original that comes from Hollywood. If they really wanted originality they'd read one of my screenplays but that's neither here nor there). First up, the announcement of Bad Boys 3. That's right! Will Smith and Marin Lawrence are back and ready to do what they do best: Be funny, blow up stuff and hopefully have another Will Smith slow motion running with his shirt open scene. There are also rumors of a Bad Boys 4 to follow but, I guess we'll have to see if that claim holds its validity. Also, break out the Roman numerals because Saw 8 is in the works. Jigsaw might have died in Saw 3 but his ideology obviously will continue to live on in what is to be known as "Saw: Legacy". Its stated to be a sequel and not a concluding chapter. What does this mean for the franchise? I'm not too sure but come 2017, I will be most excited to find out.
Speaking of sequels... I'm not sure if this counts but I'll mention anyway that Harry Potter part 8 will be published this summer.

"Harry Potter and The Cursed Child" deals with Harry who is all grown up and dealing with a magical son of his own.  July 31st will be a day that muggles everywhere will be rejoicing at their local Barnes & Nobles.
Plus: (This is not a sequel but its worthy of mentioning because I still can't believe its happening)The reboot of Cabin Fever is in theaters this week. The Eli Roth cult classic is reported to have the almost the same script yet different actors making it a pretty easy job. This reboot is reported to be pretty much the same movie but a million times better. I thoroughly enjoy the "Horror Porn" that Eli Roth provides along with the original Cabin Fever (and not just because it had Rider Strong who I LOVE) so, if they're saying that this film is better, I'm beyond down to check it out. You can see the trailer here:

Oh, yeah... I'm super excited right now.

Fake Doogie Howser Arrested For Posing as a Doctor (SMFH)
When I was in my late teens-early 20s, I knew quite a few hustlers. However, this kid, totally takes the cake.  Malachi Love-Robinson was arrested by West Palm Beach Police (that lasted almost two weeks)for practicing medicine without a license after an investigation that lasted almost two weeks. The 18 year old (who claimed to be 25 on his profile) claims that although there's a "Dr." in front of his name, he never claimed to be an "M.D.". That explanation wasn't worth a damn to police after an undercover officer went to the teen's "practice" where Love-Robinson proceeded to give him a physical, provided medical advice and offered to treat him. What makes this more unbelievable is that this isn't the first time he's been in hot water over this. He was served with a ceae-and-desist order in October after a tip came in that he was practicing medicine without a license. Now... After that, how he was able to start the New Birth New Life Medical Center (where he was arrested) is beyond me. If you claim that you never stated that you're a medical doctor, why in the Sam Hill are you a "Doctor" that's the head of a medical center, performing physicals and giving MEDICAL advice??? You can see the website for the "medical center" here:
That link is to the "Staff" page. I wanted you to see that page in particular (You can check out the rest of the site which is bootleg, tragic and just plain BS) because I wanted you to see a photo of "Dr." Malachi Love-Robinson "PhD, HHP-C, AMP-C".
DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A 25 YEAR OLD DOCTOR TO YOU?!?!?!?!? Please. If you don't practice medicine, why in the hell do you have a stethoscope around your neck?  The "HHP-C" title is given to those who practices home health/personal care (key word being "HEALTH").  "AMP-C" isn't even a medical title (unless he's an active metallic photonic crystal or a class C betalactamse)!   The "staff" also has two other members with descriptions that sound just as shady as the kid's (aside from making no sense and having misspelled words galore).  One thing I will say is that this kid is probably one of the most inventive, original and straight up ballsy criminals I've seen so far this year. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how things play out.

Well... That's it. I hate closing on a sad note but I have to say a big Rest In Peace to my girl (in my head) Big Ang.

Seriously... Who doesn't love Big Ang?

She was truly the best thing to ever hit reality TV and the best thing to come out of Staten Island since Wu-Tang. Angela "Big Ang" Raiola lost her battle with cancer early yesterday morning at the age of 55.  I love all of the Mob Wives but she was definitely my favorite out of the cast.  Her speech was uncensored, she was fun loving and a peace-maker. The world won't be the same without her and my prayers go out to her family and friend. Hopefully, the rest of the Mob Wives crew acts right towards each other because life is too short to be fighting over little nonsense.

That's all for this week, kids. Please share, comment, read, comment some more and then share again. Talk to you in a few days.


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